Member Benefits

In order to become a member of the VDAT, interested companies must fulfill the basic requirements set out in the statutes and must nonetheless identify themselves with the objectives of the association. A committee for the admission of new members finally decides on the application for membership of a company.

The VDAT efficiently lobbies for its members and the industry at national, European (in cooperation with the European Tuning Organization and international level.
The companies are regularly informed by the association about relevant topics in the area of legislation, law, marketing and organization.

In particular, the association is available to its members in respect of issues relating to rules, directives and regulations.
Nationally, the VDAT organizes so-called joint booths at important trade and consumer fairs, which e.g. also offer smaller member companies the opportunity to participate in trade fairs.

An important part of the VDAT activities, besides representing the political interests of the industry, is to represent the members and the goals of the association in public and to anchor the term "quality tuning." A key element of this publicity work is the campaign

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